Strong winds for Arise ahead

Strong winds for Arise ahead

In this equity research report, analyst Olivia Ceplitis takes a deep-dive into Arise Windpower AB. Arise produces electricity through wind power parks, and manages the whole value chain of project development, from accessing permits to constructing and long-term management. With a target EV/S ratio of 4,0x in 2021, a potential return of 25,7% over two years is motivated.

Investment highlights:

  • Arise is well prepared to profit from the increased demand for renewable energy, as Swedish wind power production is expected to grow by 50% CAGR 2019-2021.
  • Outstanding operational efficiency: A specialized business model limited to onshore wind, results in EBIT margins superior to peers, and a ROIC twice as high as the median.

To get the analyst’s full view, please see the report below: