Plaqueoff, the tail that wags the dog of Swedencare

Plaqueoff, the tail that wags the dog of Swedencare

In this equity report, analyst Tom Erikson takes a deep-dive into pet care company Swedencare. Swedencare develops, sells and distributes pet food additives. Their main product, Plaqueoff, has managed to sustain a yearly sales growth of around 26% since 2016 and our analyst, Tom Erikson, estimates that growth rate to continue until the year 2021, while at the same time boasting highly impressive gross margins of around 75%.

Investment Highlights:

  • Strong streamline distribution network provide Swedencare with cost-efficiency and high incremental margins
  • A strong financial position, of Net Debt/EBITDA -1.15x, in conjunction with their robust distribution network, sets them up for future growth opportunities
  • Westernization of Asia creates substantial growth opportunities in the region

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